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English Language Challenges

Hi everyone, today I will tell you about my experience taking the English courses at the college. 

It has been pretty good, but it has been difficult to connect in the online college context.  I started doing the English II course and it has always been a pretty easy course to take if you are consistent and do your homework. Currently, because the major has become more difficult, it has been hard for me to follow the speed of the course, but I am trying to practice and complete all the assignments so as not to lose the rhythm, which is very important to learn English.

About the use of the blogs, I consider that they have helped me a lot to share experiences with my classmates, even if we have never spoken personally. I really enjoy reading about their experiences, dreams and goals, as it motivates me to keep working on mine.

 In relation to my English, I am very good at reading it, but I still need to practice speaking it. It's complicated because I'm generally very shy and I'm afraid of making mistakes, but little by little I'm trying to get more confident. I will improve using Duolingo during the summer, as well as continue taking courses, reading and watching series in English. 

These days I usually use English to read college texts, watch series, translate songs I like and watch memes in English. So English is very present in my life, I just have a hard time gaining confidence to speak it fluently. 

I hope you liked my blog today! I wish you a great end of the semester. 


  1. Hi Catalina, I am very proud to know that you are progressing well with English, the same thing happens to me with not knowing how to pronounce English well, but over time I am overcoming the fear :)

  2. hi Cata!, well, the same thing happens to me, I am also a bit shy and it is difficult to vocalize English, I send you a lot of success in learning English!

  3. Hi Catalina, very good blog, very important what you mention

  4. Duolingo is very useful to practice English, especially if you use it daily!


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