Hi everyone! today i will talk about my future job! A s a start, I would like to have a job where I can do research, especially on topics related to human rights, gender and sexual diversity. I see myself in an international organization, but near my old age I would like to be a professor at a University. This is because research will demand that I move to many different places, while academic work will give me the stability I will need when I get older. Because of the working conditions, this would be mostly in an office, but I think it is always important to go outdoors to learn at first hand about the problems that I will try to solve. In this context, I also consider that I will have to travel a lot, which is an idea that I really like. One of the big reasons that I chose this future is because of the possibility of getting to know new cultures, as well as the chance to continue to improve myself as a professional. As for the salary, I will be satisfied if it is enough to live...